Let Go of Negative Thoughts & Reprogram Your Mind for More Positive Thinking
The Mel Robbins Podcast
Listen to the Mel Robbins Podcast twice per week, every Monday and Thursday, to create a better life.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to do a mindset reset to unlock the full power of your mind.
Your brain is wired to give you what you want, and today, you’re getting Mel’s science-backed insights and her step by step guide for letting go of negative thoughts and redirecting your energy to self transformation.
You’ll learn how to use neuroscience and specific mindset tricks to take control of your mental habits and become more optimistic and resilient. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode that is packed with tools, tips, and scripts to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking.
If you liked this episode, listen to this powerful and tactical episode next: How to Motivate Yourself: Leverage Dopamine & Overcome Your Excuses
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In this episode:
- 4:00: If these thoughts run through your mind on repeat, you are not alone.
- 5:30: Could you use a pep talk right now? Listen to this.
- 6:30: Can you relate to this podcast listener?
- 7:20: The best metaphor for mindset you’ll hear today.
- 10:50: Some people have this unbelievable ability.
- 12:45: How does your mindset impact your future life?
- 13:45: Changing your mindset is different from toxic positivity.
- 15:25: Let’s get real about mindset; you won’t change this reality.
- 18:50: This one minimal action is enough to start momentum in your life.
- 20:55: Here’s how your brain’s reticular activating system helps you stay motivated.
- 29:40: Peter wants to know how you lose all the self-doubt.
- 31:20: Here’s how your reticular activating system works against you.
- 34:10: This particular practice will help train your brain for a powerful mindset.
- 35:05: This explains why you see the world differently than your friend does.
- 38:20: How social media algorithms behave like your brain.
- 42:40: You’ll think this game is dumb, but it will make a profound difference.
- 47:50: This listener is doubtful, and this is why.
- 50:30: Use this strategy every day when your mind spirals into negativity.
- 52:45: These 6 magic words change your default brain wiring.
- 58:15: Molly wants to know how to go for the things you want.
- Read Mel’s book, High 5 Habit.
- Listen to the High 5 Habit audiobook, here.
- Baylor research: "Saying “No” to Cake or “Yes” to Kale: Approach and Avoidance Strategies in Pursuit of Health Goals"
- University of Wisconsin: Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation
- BBC Lab UK: Brief Online Training Enhances Competitive Performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK Psychological Skills Intervention Study.
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: Expectations affect psychological and neurophysiological benefits even after a single bout of exercise
- University of Toronto, People who wear rose-colored glasses see more
- Wake Forest: “What you say about others says a lot about you.”
- New York Times: Feel Like You’re Going Out of Your Mind? Consider Mindset.
- Scientific American: Unraveling the Mindset of Victimhood
- Forbes: What Your Brain Thinks of Productivity (RAS helps you concentrate)
- Resilience Institute: How to build a flexible mind
- Dr. David Eagleman, neuroplasticity book
- ScienceDirect: Reticular Activating System
- Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Journal: The Brain’s Conversation with Itself: Neural Substrates of Dialogic Inner Speech.
- Dr. Sandra Erdelez: Information Encountering: It's More Than Just Bumping into Information.
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