How to Manifest Anything You Want: 4 Simple Steps Backed by Neuroscience & Olympic Athletes
The Mel Robbins Podcast
Listen to the Mel Robbins Podcast twice per week, every Monday and Thursday, to achieve the life of your dreams.
According to neuroscience research, there are four major mistakes you make when it comes to manifesting.
Done correctly, manifesting is a mindset tool that elite athletes and the world’s most successful people use to perform at the highest levels and achieve remarkable goals.
Today, I’ll reveal those mistakes and more importantly, teach you how to manifest the right way.
This episode is all about the HOW.
If you love takeaways and tools, you’ll eat this up.
Today I’ll lay it all out for you, step by step.
You’ll learn the 4 things you need to do every day if you’re serious about achieving your goals and dreams.
So wherever you stand on the topic of manifesting, this episode is a masterclass in both the science and art of doing it.
For all my cynics and skeptics, this isn’t what you think it is. This is tactical and based in research.
And if you already love vision boards, you’re probably going to have to rip yours up and create a new one once you learn the research related to what works and what doesn’t when it comes to visualization.
I promise you are not going to want to miss this one.
Xo Mel
- The easiest thing you can do today to get started on your dreams
- Why your dreams are not selfish
- What manifesting actually is and what it is not
- The 4 mistakes everyone makes when it comes to the HOW of your dreams
- How to manifest properly to clear self-doubts
- Where you can find a free cheat sheet to help you work on your dreams
- 4 simple steps, backed my science, to manifest your dreams for real
- To get the free download mentioned in the episode that helps you get in touch with your dreams, go to
- For Closed Captions: Watch on YouTube and turn on “CC.” For instructions to turn on closed captions, click here.
- Article: "Olympians Use Imagery as Mental Training"
- Study: "From thought to action: Effects of process- versus outcome-based mental simulations on performance." UCLA study on the power of visualizing the steps along the way
- Study: "The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory" – relates to step #3 and the power of bringing emotion to manifesting
- Study: "Expectations affect psychological and neurophysiological benefits even after a single bout of exercise" – power of beliefs and expectations around manifesting what you want
- Article: A great summary of the psychological concept of "mental contrasting." Study on mental contrasting here. Meta analysis on the effectiveness of this technique here.
- Dr. Gabriele Oettingen of NYU is the foremost researcher on mental contrasting – check out her book here which is packed with great research.
- Article: On the connection between visualizing something and stimulating the same part of your brain as action does.
- Study: "Attenuating Neural Threat Expression with Imagination" – on the power of imagining something and how that works in your brain.
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